[MetaCRS] How does this Autodesk contribution change the game, if at all?

Landon Blake lblake at ksninc.com
Tue Aug 5 17:41:33 EDT 2008


I didn't realize that this had been in the works all along. I thought it
was a new development.

It sounds like this is good news for the C/C++ community.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:warmerdam at pobox.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 2:16 PM
To: Landon Blake
Cc: metacrs at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [MetaCRS] How does this Autodesk contribution change the
game, if at all?

Landon Blake wrote:


That is a fairly open ended question.  Did you have something
specific in mind?

Autodesk is contributing CS-Map which we have been discussing here for
some time as part of MetaCRS.  In fact, the launch of MetaCRS was
by the expected open sourcing of CS-Map.

CS-Map gives us (the C/C++ based community) another option for
system libraries and it includes a bunch of stuff not previosly well
addressed (like vertical datum shifting and Oracle WKT transformation).

Hopefully this will help us advance the state of the art in FOSS4G
I don't see it triggering any sort of fundamental game changer.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at pobox.com
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and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo,

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