[MetaCRS] Proj4js: Converting from EPSG:4326 -> EPSG:28193 fails

Josh Rosenthal maric423 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 17:56:20 EDT 2009

Hi Folks,

I hope I'm sending this to the right list.  Apologies if not.

I'm hitting a bit of a problem with a proj4js conversion, and I'm hoping
someone can help.  I'm trying to go from EPSG 4326 to 28193, and I'm just
getting my original coordinates returned.  As per
http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/28193/ , I have the proj4js definition
for 28193 as:
Proj4js.defs["EPSG:28193"] = "+proj=cass +lat_0=31.73409694444445
+lon_0=35.21208055555556 +x_0=170251.555 +y_0=1126867.909 +a=6378300.789
+b=6356566.435 +towgs84=-275.722,94.7824,340.894,-8.001,-4.42,-11.821,1
+units=m +no_defs";

To demonstrate, I've modified the converter in the proj4js homepage to also
have 28193 (Old Israel Grid/Palestine 1923) and 2039 (New Israel Grid).
You can see the demo here: http://arkeotech.googlepages.com/Proj4js.htm

Converting the coordinates 35,31 from 4326 to 2039 works fine, but from 4326
to 28193 just returns 35,31.  Looking at the spatial reference page for
28193, you can use the viewer to get an approximation for those
coordinates... it should be somewhere roughly around 149353, 1046172

Any thoughts?


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