[MetaCRS] Proj4js compiled in advanced mode

Michael Adair madair at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Mar 5 07:13:58 PST 2013

I don't mean to distract everyone at the sprint, but I managed to get 
Proj4js to compile with the closure compiler in advanced mode this past 
weekend.  You can find the code for that in the branch: 
http://svn.osgeo.org/metacrs/proj4js/branches/closure if you want to 
test with OL3.

At this point only LCC is converted to the new structure, but there is 
much less "other" code in there now and all asynchronous behaviour 
removed, ie. it is the responsibility of the calling code to ensure that 
Proj4js.defs are loaded before instantiating Proj4js.Proj objects.  
Other than that the API is identical.  I will be updating the rest of 
the code over the coming week or 2.

Comments welcome, especially if I have the exports defined correctly.

Mike Adair

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