Hello,<br /><br />I'm currently working on a demonstration project, most of which I shall be writing up on http://www.geowebguru.com in September as a part of a series on map projections and coordinate systems.<br /><br />I have chosen 9 global equal area map projections, and have them implemented in MapServer and OpenLayers.<br />Well the MapServer / WMS / OpenLayers side of things is working, but OpenLayers has problems adding overlays (typically GeoRSS or KML) for 7 out of the 9 projections.<br />It didn't take much investigating before I found the reason for this was because proj4js did not support the projection classes in question.<br />For the record, they are:<br /><br />crast Parabolic Craster <br />eck4 Eckert IV<br />eck6 Eckert VI<br />mbtfpq McBryde-Thomas Polar Quartic<br />quau Quartic Authalic<br />hammer Hammer<br />cea Cylindrical Equal Area (I'm actually using the Behrmann variant)<br />bonne Bonne<br /><br />(Mollweide and Sinusoidal both work fine - thanks, guys!)<br /><br />In retrospect, it isn't that surprising that many of these are missing. proj.4 is an extensive library (hence MapServer supports them all), but proj4js needs to be relatively lightweight due to its use in web page client applications.<br /><br />So, thinking about it, I could skip the overlay support for most of the above projections (especially all the extra pseudo-cylindricals).<br />However, the one I really want (and I am surprised it is not supported), is the cea Cylindrical Equal Area projection class. The maths for this should be relatively easy, so how easy is it to add new projections to proj4js? Yes I'm proposing to do it myself.<br /><br />Cylindrical Equal Area will allow support for the Behrmann Projection (the one I want) but also the much-maligned-but-popular-in-some-circles Gall-Peters.<br /><br />I don't know if there have been requests for the others? Bonne is a nice novelty projection but probably has limited value in the 21st century...<br /><br />I'm jetting off on vacation on Monday, so unless I "pull an all-nighter" this weekend, implementing CEA will probably have to wait until mid-August.<br /><br />I'm always on the lookout for possible new articles for GeoWebGuru.com. I think proj4js development might be a bit too detailed/intricate, but I think there's definitely potential for me to write a short "how to use proj4js" article in my planned series on map projections.<br /><br /><br /><br />Richard Marsden<br />Winwaed Software Technology LLC<br />http://www.winwaed.com<br />http://www.mapping-tools.com<br />http://www.geowebguru.com