[Journal] Newsletter Draft Status

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Thu Apr 5 18:22:15 EDT 2007

Sorry for the long note, but please review your section below and  
comment.  These are just rough comments based on a general review of  
the content.

-General: mainly spacing issues as Micha noted, around images, at top/ 
bottom of page when new article starts
	- reviewing/fixing all citations and heading usage
	- updating the "impressum" to list all our names/info
	- location of table of contents seemed to move to end of document  
now ??
	- I'm not sure I like the (vertical) spacing used in the bulleted  
lists, it seems to leave a lot of whitespace.  What do you think,  
should we tighten it up?
	- Images: some should obviously be a bit larger and take up full  
width of page - has anyone found the perfect solution for this yet?

-Cover: I'll have a look at the cover again myself and see what I can  
figure out.  We can probably make use of some of the OSGeo branding  
work we got done.  For example that title slide colours/layout from:  
OSGeo_Presentation_OpenOffice.odp.zip or http://www.osgeo.org/files/ 

-Sections: Should we have some clearer breaks between section types,  
perhaps a page feed and a title?

-Editorial: I have some rewriting and editing to update my articles

-News: Jay, how's your collection going?

-Events: I've converted the documents I received and cleaned them up  
just enough so they'd compile.  They need to be checked for missing  
images and formatting and language.

-Case Studies:
	-MapGuide I thought had two images at some point, perhaps a zoom-in  
has now been dropped?

-Project Spotlights:
	-Eichler's article missing figure 3, current one used is identical  
to figure 2

-Integration Studies:
	-Erle's article is late and may be dropped
	-Cepicky had a bunch of ###link### notes in his text, was this fixed  
or simply removed?  I assume they were notes to remind himself of  

-Topical Studies
	-Blake's article still has at least one weird character:
		"How far along the trail would one have to travel to travel ¡ the  
length of the creek?"
	-Ames' article has been reduced to 6-7 pages, so we can leave it

-Programming Tutorials
	-Sutton's was not able to complete his article in time, he has  
declined to submit it
	-No programming section in this volume

	-No interview in this volume

-Developer Announcements:
	-Various articles that I imported need some artifacts removed and  
	-Address Micha's question about how to handle it as a section.   
Perhaps we can have a Developer Announcements "section" but treat all  
articles as "subsection" - would that work?

That's all for now :)


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