[Journal] Volume 5 and beyond

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Wed May 13 11:19:28 EDT 2009

On 13-May-09, at 1:53 AM, Rafal Wawer wrote:
> I always wondered if the OSGeo annual reports could be kept  
> "outside" the Journal.
> So far the Journal was mainly a container for the annual report,  
> while the papers appeared rather rarely.
> As we already streamlined the admission/review process, wouldn't it  
> be nice to finally separate annual reports from the papers, placing  
> the reports not in the Journal but 4ex in annals, parallel to it?  
> The numeration of the Journal would be then given only to  
> scientific editions.
> Now, it is quite confusing for the Journal's (potential) readers -  
> looking for papers they mostly find OSGeo annual reports. (-;

Definitely possible to move it outside, if I understand properly your  
concern.  We have had 3 'normal' issues, plus one annual report so  
far.  So if people cannot find the other 3 issues then we have a  
bigger problem.  I think we need a way to easily promote all these  
articles we've collected.

Here are some of the current ways:

1/ http://www.osgeo.org/ojs/index.php/journal  - lists all previous  
volumes so readers can find one to look at.  (I need to add the  
French ones into OSJ still).  With one click they see an article list  
for that volume.

2/ You can also use the "browse by..." options on lower right of that  
web page.  E.g. Browse by authors gives you a great list in  
alphabetical order.

3/ The search box also gives you great results from searching  
abstracts, authors, titles, etc.

What other ways can we make this clearer to potential readers?  Any  
ideas for a web page to help display things in a better way - let's  
try them!

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