[Journal] Articles Needed

Sunburned Surveyor sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 11:39:35 EDT 2009

We could use a couple articles for the December Volume of the OSGeo
Journal in the following sections:

Topical Studies
Programming Tutorials
Case Studies
Integration Studies
Developer Announcements
Sponsor Perpsectives
Local Community Reports
Peer Reviewed Articles

Let me know if you are interested in whipping up a short article for
submission in the December Volume. We'd like to get articles sumbitted
by October 31, but I may be able to bump this a couple of days for a
submission in one of the above sections.

I will also post this message to the OSGeo discussion mailing list.

If you are interested in writing an article, please let me know and I
can walk you through the submission process.


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