[Journal] Preliminary LaTex Conversion Guidelines

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed Feb 24 06:30:43 EST 2010

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:23 AM, Micha Silver <micha at arava.co.il> wrote:

> I'd say no, just bash away. That's what svn is for - we can always go back
> to an earlier revision.
> Besides I suppose you'll do most of the bashing locally, and only when it
> starts to work run a checkin, no?
> My 2 cents worth, as an svn newbie.

 Fair enough - I just didn't want to elevate myself from lowly LaTeX
converter to 'grand author of the master LaTeX document' :)

 The advantage of working in a branch would be that I get version
control of all my hacks (including those that don't work). Ideally
we'd use a distributed revision control system (git?). As an old-tyme
SVN user (and RCS and CVS before that) I've not got my head round
these new-fangled fancy pants systems!


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