[North America] Post from Stewart Bruce

Mark Lucas mlucas17 at mac.com
Wed Nov 30 07:27:49 EST 2011

Why don't we plan to hold a virtual conference?  It would be practically free to host, we could hold a variety of meeting opportunities via virtual worlds perhaps meeting in the Army MOSES OS grid, hi-def video conferencing, sessions in Adobe Connect or GoTo Meeting.  All of this could easily be recorded for those that might miss a session or two.  I have colleagues who manage very large hi-def video bridges that I could convince to let us use for free too and I have five rooms in Adobe Connect that can each handle 50 attendees.  I suspect many of us have access to hi-def facilities that frankly do not get used enough as it is.  I myslef have nine Lifesize systems and several Lifesize Desktop licenses.  Plus you can download a free 30 day trial of Lifelize Desktop for a conference use too.
It saves everyone a lot of travel money, avoids the expenses of hosting a conference, and we could have social events in the virtual world with BYOB.  Pass the pretzels please.
And it is repeatable to do these kind of gatherings on a more regular basis.  Lets face it, we are all hi-tech folks so why don't we use the technology to facilitate our discussions?

Stewart Bruce
Washington College

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