[Aust-NZ] Please accept your Aust-NZ nomination NOW

Robert Coup robert.coup at onetrackmind.co.nz
Wed Apr 9 16:13:31 PDT 2008

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 7:58 AM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>

> So in interests of speed, I nominate everyone on this list who has read
> this far down this email.
> Could we please see some acceptance emails which include a paragraph or 2
> about yourself and your OSGeo interests.

I'm happy to accept the nomination.

I'm 27 and Auckland, New Zealand is my home.

I'm a software engineer and CTO of Koordinates, a new online spatial data
startup. We're passionate about getting geodata out there - discoverable and
accessible. Particularly government data and data from companies who
traditionally throw it in a filing cabinet.  Before Koordinates I worked at
Navman in their car navigation group.

In Open Source development: I'm a committer and active developer for the
Dojo Toolkit (a Javascript framework), and have organised their Summer of
Code programme for the last two years and am mentoring some students this
year as well. Other than that I contribute fixes, bugs, patches, and
suggestions into any project I stumble upon.

We're an open source spatial shop - I work with Postgis, GEOS, GDAL, Mapnik,
OpenLayers, PROJ, TileCache, and GeoDjango on a daily basis, and monitor
other projects too. I've been pushing with Simon on getting LINZ cadastral &
topo data into OpenStreetMap via nzopengis.

I'm involved in the NZ web & technology scene and user groups for Django &
Python in NZ, and am an ambassador for FutureInTech, a programme encouraging
school students to take up careers in technology which involves speaking to
school groups and working with them on projects. Occasionally I'll stumble
into the University and give a guest lecture on digital geography, software
engineering, and OSS topics.

Rob Coup

blog - http://rob.coup.net.nz/
work - http://koordinates.com/
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