[OSGeo Oceania] Fwd: OSGeo needs you!

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 06:30:48 PDT 2019

Hi Oceania, Maria has outlined a few interesting opportunities to get
engaged with the international OSGeo community. See below for details.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: María Arias de Reyna <president at osgeo.org>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2019 at 13:51
Subject: OSGeo needs you!

Dear fellow OSGeo charter member,

I'm sending this email to all the members that joined during the last
elections. It has been almost a year since you officially joined the
community and I want to know if you feel comfortable on the community
and how are you doing.

Have you contacted your closest chapter to introduce yourself? You can
find the local chapters here: https://www.osgeo.org/local-chapters/

If you think you could do more for OSGeo, but don't know where to
start, let me suggest some introductory tasks:

Writing a blog post sharing your experience in OSGeo and how FOSS4G
inspired you is something that could help growing the community too:

The Marketing committee is going to create an account on YouTube to
store and promote videos from our FOSS4G events. Someone should lead
this initiative and make sure all local and regional events are aware
of this opportunity in case they want to upload their videos too:

The elections will take place after the next FOSS4G event in
Bucharest. We need charter members that can monitor and help make the
process as transparent as possible:
https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Chief_Returning_Officer Please, volunteer
to make sure we continue growing on a transparent way!

And talking about the FOSS4G in Bucharest, if you plan to attend, you
could stop by our booth and help spreading the word:

If you don't plan to attend, please, consider joining some other local
or regional event. If there is none nearby, why not organize one
yourself? We are here to help you, just ask:

Do you have contacts with companies in our geo world? Suggest them to
sponsor some event.

Does your company use free and open source software? If not, it would
be a good time to ask them to migrate. If you are not sure how to do
this, please, ask us! We can help you on this process.

Did you know we have a Travel Grant Program that runs on donations?
Let the donations flow!
https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/foss4g-travel-grant-program/ This is
a great initiative to help growing the community and reach people we
couldn't have otherwise.

Do you contribute to some project? Either if you are a developer or
not, all our projects need people testing their release candidates and
help defining and describing bugs to improve the quality of our
software: https://www.osgeo.org/projects/

Think about how to contribute, open source being a success needs your
hands, not just your heart (or wallet).

And finally make an OSGeo user id and fill in your profile on the
website so we all can meet you. Visibility is important not only to
you but also to OSGeo.

Thank you very much for your contributions. You are what makes this
community worth it!

María Arias de Reyna
President of OSGeo.
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