[OSGeo Oceania] membership - elections - AGM

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 04:28:01 PDT 2019

On 4/9/19 6:32 pm, John Bryant wrote:
> A couple of questions on this model:
>  1. I can see how it works well once established, but how might it
>     work initially? Would we suggest that interested people ask to be
>     nominated? Would they need to explain why they should be a member?
Point people at the "Positive attributes" which basically means active 


If someone is actively participating on a volunteer basis, they are 
almost certainly have the best interests of OSGeo at hand. This should 
be enough criteria to join.

>  1. How to keep membership list fresh? Maybe if a member doesn't
>     fulfill their duties (eg. doesn't vote for 2 or 3 consecutive
>     years), their membership is suspended?
OSGeo has half heartedly tried to remove inactive people in the past. It 
hasn't worked very well. There are lots of inactive people as OSGeo 
charter members, but that doesn't really matter.

It only becomes an issue if we set a criteria that x % of members need 
to vote.

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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