Bruce Douglas and his Corporate GIS Consultants team have released the 2010 GIS Industry and Technology Survey. This is available from [1].<br><br>As usual, the survey is an excellent snapshot of the Australian and New Zealand spatial industry. The survey has been running for 11 years, allowing trends to start to appear.<br>
<br>This year's survey had 347 Contributors (who passed QA).<br><br>This year, the report included Open Source Spatial software in the survey.<br><br>Interestingly from the information provided by contributors, Open Source Spatial usage has made significant inroads into both Federal and State Governments (14% and 11% respectively).<br>
<br>The report has made some interesting subjective observations on why Open Source Spatial may not have penetrated as well in some other sectors. Perhaps a business opportunity for some?<br>It did not pick up that OS Spatial is a market leveler for businesses who want to provide support activities to Australian and New Zealand spatial organisations.<br>
<br>The report is a worthwhile read for any who would like to understand the Australian Spatial Industry. I'd also recommend reading the report to put my comments above in perspective.<br><br><br>Bruce<br><br>[1] <a href=""></a><br>