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<BR>WorldMap ALPHA is an experimental platform designed for viewing and interpreting maps collaboratively. Today maps come from many sources <BR>and take many forms, from paper atlases to digital satellite images to census files. WorldMap aims to pull these and other hard-to-find maps<BR>together and make them available to researchers to explore, share, annotate, and remix.<BR> <BR>WorldMap combines modeling capabilities of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with current web technologies, and is made available as <BR>Open Source software. Use the hosted version of WorldMap here or download and run the application on your own server. WorldMap stands <BR>on the shoulders of other Open Source projects including AfricaMap, GeoNode, OpenLayers, PostGIS, and GEOS. WorldMap is licensed under <BR>Version 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPL).<BR><BR>More information: <A href="http://ec2-184-73-229-41.compute-1.amazonaws.com/">http://ec2-184-73-229-41.compute-1.amazonaws.com/</A><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> <BR> </body>