<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div>HIya all<br><br></div>...just chiming in to say that ESRI *sponsoring* FOSS4G events isn't new at a global level. Inviting an ESRI employee to keynote is new; and if I read right, sponsoring a TGP, is new.<br><br></div>My own response to the news was "OK interesting - what is ESRI buying here? and who from within the open geospatial community is being displaced?". I do think it is important who we accept money from, and who we choose to give platforms to. I've always maintained that, it isn't a new thought.<br><br>At the end of the day, we as people in the community can choose our response: if we're not comfortable with a course of action in one corner, we put our energy and money someplace else in the community.<br><br>This debrief is great, I hope it helps frame more discussion / action in future.<br><br></div>Happy mapping,<br><br></div>Adam<br>--<br></div>Dr Adam Steer<br></div><div><a href="https://iamadamsteer.com">https://iamadamsteer.com</a></div><div><br><div><br><div><div><br><br></div></div></div></div></div>