[OpenDroneMap-dev] What am I doing wrong

Jamison Hiner jamison.hiner at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 11:24:52 PST 2015

I know a gopro is not a good camera to use but my results really suck, I
also have taken some of the fisheye out using bridge and camera raw

93 pictures, 40-50m, autopilot grid with 2 second shots

Am I not high/low enough, did I not have a wide enough area? im looking for

Here is the results, I get just slightly better results in photoscan and

Jamison Hiner

T: 402-203-5079
F: 402-551-9555

Honey Shiner <http://www.honeyshiner.com>
Red Rock Relish <http://www.redrockrelish.com>
JamisonHiner.com <http://www.JamisonHiner.com>

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