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<p>Dear Open Drone Map users,<br>
<p>I am a student from Belgium and I am making a thesis of Open Drone Map. I really want to understand how the software creates the orthophoto. I know it does "resize, keypoints, match, bundler, cmvs, pmvs, meshing, texturing, georeferencing, orthophoto". <br>
<p>A quality report, like <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1rt1qdh7tw2mybi/AAC1DhlflLVmZUS1stBymPS7a/caliterra_pix4d_report.pdf?dl=0" id="LPlnk756517">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1rt1qdh7tw2mybi/AAC1DhlflLVmZUS1stBymPS7a/caliterra_pix4d_report.pdf?dl=0</a>
from the 'caliterra' data is very interesting. <br>
<p>But it is a quality report from Pix4D. </p>
<p><strong>My question</strong>: Can OpenDroneMap / MeshLab create such quality reports ??<br>
<p>I don't have Pix4D software, only OpenDroneMap / MeshLab.<br>
<p>If it is not possible to create a quality report, how can I know/learn the principle behind the creation of the orthophoto ? Preferably in normal human language, not codes. Like a case study.....<br>
<p>I hope you guys understand my question. It would be nice if someone could help me with this.<br>
<p>With kind regards,<br>
<p>Yasin Yigit<br>
<p>Student aviation technology </p>
<p>Catholic High School Vives in Ostend, Belgium<br>