[OpenLayers-Dev] OSM tiles and other overlays simultaneously

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Tue Sep 4 07:03:14 EDT 2007

On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 02:22:02PM +0400, Vladimir Elistratov wrote:
> This solution seems to be complicated for the task of simply 
> displaying OSM or VMAP0 tiles and an overlay or markers defined with 
> longitude and latitude.


> Is to possible to reproject OSM tiles back to "normal" longitude and 
> latitude not through the server but with javascript code? 

Nope. Javascript can't manipulate images in any fashion other than a
linear stretch -- and linearly stretching images is functionality we're
moving *away* from in OpenLayers because it had too much behavior that
users couldn't accept. 

> So the OSM 
> layer would be treated like "normal" OpenLayers layer. And and 
> application developer could easy substitute the OSM Layer with any 
> other OpenLayers layers and still could be able to map a marker on the 
> same location on the earth.

If you want that, you want to set up your own tiles -- or use another
service on the web which provides up to date, unprojected tiles.
OSGeo used to host one of these, but I let it lapse after recent
planet.osm troubles. I can take the time to set it up again -- then
you'd just point to http://t1.hypercube.telascience.org/tiles? , with a
layer of osm-4326, which would allow you to use tiles that are
compatible with all the 'unprojected' services out there.

If I set it up again, would you use it? If so, I can set it up again.

Christopher Schmidt

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