[OpenLayers-Dev] ESRI and OpenLayers

Linde Ackermans roselinda.ackermans at ec.europa.eu
Tue Mar 24 03:41:37 EDT 2009

Dear Matt,

Concerning ArcGISCache.js patch :
For info : there is a small err in the patch code in line "@requires OpenLayers/Layer/TMS.js ". It contains a space at the end of the line, which gives troubles in building the OpenLayers.js in a Unix env.
But what I really wanted to ask : would you already have an example on how to use this ? I really want to test this thoroughly, and can give you feedback if you want this.

Linde Ackermans 

Yes, I'm doing an example.
The problem last time was that the tile URL was calculated based on the 
upper left corner of the bounds. If the OL Map grid and the tile grid were 
off by even 0.00001 units, certain tiles would get repeated, others skipped. 
The behavior was very unpredictable but worse at closer zoom levels and 
projected grids with large coordinate values.
My version uses the bound center which avoids those issues.
Matt Priour
Kestrel Computer Consulting

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