[OpenLayers-Dev] Dynamic SLD in a GetMap-Request via HTTP-POST

Andreas Hocevar andreas.hocevar at gmail.com
Fri May 8 03:05:31 EDT 2009


another option would be to post the request as form and set an iframe as
target for the response. This would, however, probably break
transparency of such layers and require a complicated event handling to
pass events to the parent.


Ingo Weinzierl wrote:
> Hi people,
> after a little research yesterday I found out that the W3C specification of 
> the XMLHttpRequest does not provide the responseStream attribute. So the 
> implementation of FireFox3 does not implement it as well.
> Thinking about a resolution to display images in a browser requested via 
> HTTP-POST, the only idea I have at moment is to decode the bytes of the image 
> into base64 encoding and to put this into the 'src'-attribute of the <img> 
> tag.
> Resulting problems out of this are:
>  - base64 encoding in the <img> tag is supported  in FireFox3 and IE8 only
>  - decoding the byte stream of the image with JavaScript is maybe slow 
> Do you have any other ideas?
> Regards, 
> Ingo
> On Wednesday 06 May 2009 09:25:18 Ingo Weinzierl Hi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Thursday 30 April 2009 20:20:46 Tim Schaub wrote:
>>> Hey-
>>> Andreas Hocevar wrote:
>>>> Hi Ingo,
>>>> Ingo Weinzierl wrote:
>>>>> I am thinking about a topic of my thesis in the next month. While
>>>>> working on a project using OpenLayers, I asked myself if it's possible
>>>>> to send a WMS GetMap-Request via HTTP-POST to include a SLD.
>>>>> I have searched for this problem via google, the mailing-lists and in
>>>>> the examples of OL, but the only way to use SLDs in a GetMap-Request I
>>>>> could find is via url to a file or in a HTTP-GET url, which has
>>>>> limited length. The idea of my tutor and me is to realize a WMS
>>>>> GetMap-Request via HTTP-POST to be able to include longer SLDs.
>>>>> What are you thinking about this idea? Or is it absolutely impossible?
>>>> It is actually a good idea, and I would already have developed
>>>> OpenLayers support for it if there weren't other things of higher
>>>> priority. Sending WMS requests via POST is covered by the WMS spec, but
>>>> things become complicated when you want to display the resulting image
>>>> in a browser. Tim Schaub and I have played around a bit with
>>>> XMLHttpRequest and responseStream [1], but it did not work as described
>>>> there. Maybe we were just missing something obvious.
>>> Yeah, my (quick) assumption was that responseStream was not available in
>>> FF3 (at least).
>>>  >>> var req = new XMLHttpRequest()
>>>  >>> req.open("GET", ".", false);
>>>  >>> req.send(null)
>>> GET http://localhost/    200 OK    15ms
>>>  >>> typeof req.responseStream
>>> "undefined"
>>> So, despite being a "perfectly reasonable way" [1] to request images, I
>>> haven't seen it work.  Happy to be shown otherwise.
>> After a little investigation, it seems that there are more people arround
>> having this problem with responseStream. Maybe I can find somebody of the
>> google team who can help at that point. Otherwise I will search the web for
>> this problem.
>>> Tim
>>> [1]
>>> http://n2.nabble.com/Request---ProxyHost-Question-td2190618.html#a2191803
>>>> Having said that: if you want to develop this for OpenLayers, I'll be
>>>> willing to mentor.
>> Thanks, that sounds nice. My thesis starts not until july, but I gonna
>> contact you when I start working on it.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Andreas.
>>>> [1]
>>>> http://code.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=79663&topic=11366#s
>>>> ce nario1
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ingo
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>> Regards,
>> Ingo
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