[OpenLayers-Dev] WFS without proxy

Steven M. Ottens steven at minst.net
Tue Nov 30 04:04:27 EST 2010

  Hi all,

I'm trying to get WFS POST-requests working in openlayers without a 
proxy. (The reason for that is that I want to get shiboleth 
authentication working, which doesn't allow for proxies). There is a new 
feature introduced in firefox and other modern browsers which should 
allow for cross-site XHRequests 

However when I remove the proxy from the configuration openlayers does 
an HTTP OPTIONS request to the WFS server, instead of a POST request. 
I'm at a loss why this is, I've put a breakpoint in 
/lib/openlayers/Request.js at the OPTIONS function, but it is never 
called and nowhere else in openlayers code there is a mention of OPTIONS 

Has anyone tried (and succeeded) to use openlayers and POST requests 
without a proxy and/or know why there is a OPTIONS request?


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