[OpenLayers-Dev] OL trunk + MapServer 6.0 + BBOX Strategy -> WFS server error. Invalid or Unsupported FILTER in GetFeature

Roald de Wit list at rdewit.net
Sat Jul 16 08:38:16 EDT 2011

Hey Andreas,

It's true that I don't set the FeatureNS. However, I *do* set the 
featureType *and* the featurePrefix in my protocol options, which used 
to be sufficient.
If you take the wfs-protocol.html example from trunk and replace 
featureNS with: featurePrefix: 'topp', you'll see that the PropertyName 
disappears from the WFS request (in the BBOX filter).

Is this expected behaviour, ie: can I not use featurePrefix anymore or 
is it a bug?

Thanks, Roald

On 16/07/11 19:59, Andreas Hocevar wrote:
> Hey Roald,
> the PropertyName will still always be set, unless you have a poorly 
> configured WFS protocol (i.e. no FeatureNS set).
> How is your protocol configured (the one that used to work in 2.10, 
> but does not any more)? Maybe we find a better way to determine poorly 
> configured protocols.
> FYI, the offending change came with
> http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/ticket/3368
> Andreas.
>> On Jul 16, 2011 8:25 AM, "Roald de Wit" <list at rdewit.net 
>> <mailto:list at rdewit.net>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When trying out one of my apps with OL trunk, I get the following 
>> error: "WFS server error. Invalid or Unsupported FILTER in 
>> GetFeature". Whilst digging through the code, I noticed that the WFS 
>> requests have changed: the PropertyName tag has been removed from the 
>> BBOX Filter.
>> It seems possible to work around the problem by providing a 
>> 'property' attribute to the BBOX filter, but since I use a WFS 
>> protocol with a BBOX Strategy, this strategy does not allow me to add 
>> this attribute to the filter without overriding the createFilter method.
>> It looks like this change is not in OL 2.11-RC1 but if RC2 will be a 
>> re-branch from trunk (as crschmidt suggests in another thread), then 
>> this could cause problems for people using MS 6.0.x with OL 2.11.
>> Alexandre Dube reported the same error on the MS trac a few days ago: 
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3955. He might have run into 
>> the same problem. Strictly speaking, it seems to be a MS bug and not 
>> an OL one. But what if it takes a long time before this bug gets 
>> fixed? And, could this be classed as a regression, since 2.10 does 
>> not have this problem?
>> Regards, Roald
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