[OpenLayers-Dev] rule based stylemapsand attribute object-values

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Mon Mar 7 12:13:41 EST 2011

Trying and debugging rulebased stylemaps like

with a vector layer build from a KML I encounter the problem that the
attribute values(!) of the vector layer are not literals/numbers, but
objects with two members: 'value' and 'displayName'

it looks like the OpenLayers.Style.createLiteral (in
OpenLayers.Style.js) is not working with that.

1) what is a normal value for attributes: always literals, or is it
supposed to be either a literal or an object (I mean is it a quirck of
the KML format parser or is that a normal convention)

2) should the createLiteral handle object values for attributes?



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