[OpenLayers-Dev] OpenLayers 2.11 Final Release

christopher.schmidt at nokia.com christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
Sun Sep 11 11:28:18 EDT 2011

The OpenLayers Development Team is proud to announce the final release of OpenLayers 2.11!

the OpenLayers 2.11 release closes 450 outstanding tickets, and offers great improvements in the area of performance and mobile support.

As always, the OpenLayers 2.11 source code can be downloaded from:


The 2.11 release adds several important features. Some of the highlights include:

	• Greatly improved mobile support, with a focus on touch devices.
	• Many performance improvements, focused on improving the user experience when dragging the map
	• Additional ways of accessing Bing Maps tiles, and other new layer types
	• Continued improvements in the areas of protocol support, including the addition of a JSONP protocol.
... and many other bug fixes.

For information on possible changes that will need to be made between this version of OpenLayers and previous versions, please look at the Release notes, available at the Release Notes information[1].

Overall, OpenLayers 2.11 offers greatly improved performance for all users. It offers broad mobile support, based in large part on sponsorship from a number of organizations during a code sprint in Switzerland[2], and as a side effect of this work, many components related to mobile support have been extended. This release promotes a major step forward for OpenLayers on mobile devices.

I want to include a special thank you to all of our sponsors, who helped make a huge difference in this release, and without whom the impressive support for OpenLayers on touch devices like the iPhone and Android platform would likely not be possible. Thanks especially to Camptocamp and OpenGeo for helping to organize the sprint, and to all the organizations who participated and funded the events.

[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/wiki/Release/2.11/Notes 
[2] http://openlayers.org/blog/2011/02/25/mobile-sprint-day-five/

Best Regards,
Christopher Schmidt

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