okay, I believe I'm pretty close. I'm trying not to be a pain.<br><br>I have the bounding box for the WMS request matching the viewable area for the map. This is good. It has nothing to do with maxExtent, but it's a definable area I can work with.
<br><br>Now, my problem comes with zooming.<br><br>When zooming, it seems OpenLayers uses the same pre-defined layer, but simply provides a new bounding box for the WMS overlay.<br><br>I need a small step to intercede here. I need to change one of my url parameters to the layer each time the user zooms.
<br><br>So, question #1: Is there a zoom listener or way for me to edit the map zoom function?<br><br>question #2: Is there a way to disable the auto-snap proportion that is used for the rubber band zoom selection box? If a user makes a zoom box that is way out of proportion (tall and skinny, for ex.) OpenLayers doesn't use the exact box that was defined, it changes to preserve the proportionality of the map. If there is not a way to disable this feature, does anyone know the proportion that Openlayers uses?
<br><br>Hope that makes sense.<br>Thanks all so much for help!<br>-Ed<br>