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I'd like to implement a bit of OpenLayers.Format.KML.write() method,
and enhance OpenLayers.Format.KML.read() to enabl.e Polygon node
1/ Did you have any reason not to have implemented Polygon parsing at
once with Point and LineString? I thought it could be because of the
outerBoudaryIs node, which cannot be translated into
OpenLayers.Geometry object...? Or was it just laziness? :-)<br>
2/ How do you see the namespaces for KML? My view is that one can parse
any KML as a 2.0, fetching Placemark nodes and digging into their
geometries, since this seems not to change over versions. Do you think
it's a good way of doing it?<br>
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<div> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Camptocamp SA</span><br>
Damien Corpataux<br>
PSE A<br>
CH-1015 Lausanne<br>
<div> +41 21 619 10 22 <span class="header">(Direct)</span><br>
+41 21 619 10 10 <span class="header">(Centrale)</span><br>
+41 21 619 10 00 <span class="header">(Fax)</span><br>
<div style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102);"> <span
style="position: relative; top: -3px; font-family: Webdings; font-size: 24pt;">P</span>
<span style="">Please consider the environment <br>
Do you really need to print this email?</span>