Hi Devs,<br><br>Here's a simple one: the patch for the brazilian portuguese.<br><br>During the translation process I've noted some things I would<br>like to point out.<br><br>In 'minZoomLevelError' definition, the "That this" is wrong isn't?<br>
It should be "this" or "that" only. Next in 'minZoomLevelError',<br>theres a mention on "min/max resolution setting". This shouldn't<br>be minScale/maxScale?<br> <br> 'minZoomLevelError':<br>
...<br> "with the FixedZoomLevels-descendent layers. That this " +<br> ...<br> "use min/max resolution setting as described here: " +<br> ...<br><br>Another small thing. On 'getLayerWarning' the "either" should<br>
be removed.<br> <br> 'getLayerWarning':<br> <br> "Most likely, this is because the ${layerLib} library " +<br> "script was either not correctly included.<br><br>" +<br>
<br>One question. Is a desired feature to make a auto-detect<br>language on OL startup? I think this could be a good feature.<br><br>What's the best method to activate a different language<br>with the actual API?<br><br>
I'm opening a new ticket to this patch:<br><a href="http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/1519">http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/1519</a><br><br>regards,<br><br>Pedro Simonetti.<br>