Hi all,<br><br>I'm using mapserver, tilecache, openlayers..<br>My symbols or the labels on the tile edges are cropped,<br><br>When i use on mapserver <br>"PARTIALS FALSE", the sybols on the edges are being dismissed. But i want to show them all.<br>
<br>Then i used gutter on OpenLayers; but it doesn't work too.. <br><br>new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("MY Map",<br> "<a href="" target="_blank"></a>?", {layers: 'MY_Map', format: 'image/png' , <b>gutter:50</b>},<br>
<br>You can see the problem on atteched screenshot..<br><br>What should i do to prevent those?<span><span><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><span></span></font></span></span><span><span><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><span><br>
<br>Thanks for any help in advance..</span></font></span></span>