Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry I couldn't write earlier.
This method should work but in my case the iFrame function is invoked directly from hyperlink.
Example will explain better:
I invoke highslide like this :
a href="include/iFrameInclude.htm" on_click="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: 'iframe' } )">
                                        Highslide with iframe popup example
So this function hs.htmlExpand() works with the html object
and my onSelect property looks like that :
onSelect: onFeatureSelect,
where onFeatureSelect is :
function onFeatureSelect(vector) {
                                selectedFeature = vector;
                                popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("plan_labos",
'some text',
null, true, onPopupClose);
                                vector.popup = popup;
and I don't really see any way to invoke this highslide (which is cool)
from the vector since vector isn't html object.
Am I right?
Actually, I really want to be wrong cause I want to make this thing work
Thanks for any help or any ideas on how to invoke iFrame by clicking on vector
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