I'm using Manifold GIS as a back-end GIS server. It works really great, except the WMS capabilities are horribly slow. One thing that is fast is the ability to generate an image of the GIS output by passing a url to a Manifold IMS site: <br>
<br><pre id="line13"><br></pre>var graphic = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image (<br> 'My Map',<br> '<a href="http://blah">http://blah</a>,blah,blah/map.asp?[layers],[centerX],[centerY],[ScaleX],[ScaleY],[spatialSQL process],etc...<br>
<br>so, this works really fast (instantaneous), and gets me a layer inside my OpenLayers site. And, I can even pass it an analysis function and it does that too.<br><br>Now, when I zoom in or pan, obviously it just works with that initial image (i.e. var graphic) that was grabbed from the init function. So, of course zoom-ins begin to pixelate rather quickly.<br>
<br>I would like the ability to refresh the initial image every time I zoom in or pan, using new centerX,centerY, and scales. That is, some function that gets thrown before the the image is redrawn. <br><br>I guess it is an image Refresh, but that doesn't quite do it. My hope is to:<br>
<br>1. When the user zooms in I grab the new centerX, centerY, and scales from the browser, and reconstruct the url to hit the server again and show me an updated version, which will now be the zoomed in version of the layers.<br>
<br>Any advice?<br><br>thanks!<br><br clear="all"><br><br>
<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><div id="refHTML"></div>