Hey guys,<br><br>I got a question concering a polygon overlay. I've seen the examples on <a href="http://openlayers.org">openlayers.org</a>, e.g <a href="http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/regular-polygons.html">http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/regular-polygons.html</a>, however I would like to know if there is a way to draw such a polygon in JavaScript. For example, this script would provide a list of points which than would be passed to Openlayers somehow. Using these points, a polygon should be drawn as a layer on top of the map. Pretty much like the example shows it, expect that the painting of the polygon would be perfomred automatically instead of interacting with the user. <br>
<br>Your help is very appreciated!<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Dom<br>