Hello everbody,<br><br>I've already posted in the users mailing list but maybe here is more appropriate.<br><br>I have an issue with openlayers framedcloud, I
searched around but found no solution yet, if this subject has been
discussed and solved before, please point me to the relevant thread.<span><span><br>
<br>Basically I have a FramedCloud popup which is populated through an
ajax call. The content of the popup is made of text and possibly an
image.<br>The errors I'm getting are:<br><br>These happen both on FF and IE<br>
1) The same popup (with the same content) sometimes has scrolling bars
and sometimes not. I would like to have them only if the content is
"big", not if it's only a row or two. But sometimes (I guess that's
according to the position in the screen of the element the popup is
attached to), the same popup has scrolling bars and others it doesn't. <br>
2) If I reduce the text size of the popup content, the framedcloud it's
too "long".... it doesn't get resized on the Y dimension.<br><br>This happens mostly with IE<br>3) Even without reducing text size, with explorer the popup isn't resized properly on the Y dimension, it remains too "long".<br>
<br></span></span>Reading around I found this thread but it dates back to 2008 (<a href="http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/FramedCloud-and-autoSize-td1829440.html%29." target="_blank">http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/FramedCloud-and-autoSize-td1829440.html).</a>..it seems
there's a function that calculates the size of the popup without
applying the style before, so it ends up having a big popup and a small
text.. I guess if it's the same bug still hanging around?<br><span><span><br>Is there a way to solve these issues or maybe some workaround I could use?<br><br>Has anybody experienced the same before?<br><br>Thanks,<br>