[OpenLayers-Users] maxExtent

Trond Michelsen trondmm-openlayers at crusaders.no
Thu Dec 14 02:19:50 EST 2006

On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 04:43:42PM +1100, Glen Stampoultzis wrote:
> I'm using the maxExtent option when creating a map that has an Untiled
> layer.  At lower zoom levels it seems to respect this setting but at higher
> levels the user is able to pan out of this extent.  Am I miss understanding
> this setting or is this a bug?

It's sort of a feature. As far as I understand, this has been
implemented so that the center of the viewport will never be outside
maxExtent. That means that you'll be able to see one half viewport
outside the maxExtent in all directions. So, when you zoom out, the
half viewport will cover a bigger and bigger area.

I'm not totally convinced that this is the best way to do it. I think
I'd prefer if openlayers tried it's best to not let the viewport go
outside maxExtent at all - except when you've zoomed so far out that
the entire extent fits within the viewport.

Trond Michelsen

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