[OpenLayers-Users] permalink and multiple layers

Bobby Braswell rob.braswell at unh.edu
Tue Apr 3 18:10:47 EDT 2007


I don't know if this is the expected behavior, but when I have  
multiple base layers, I can only get permalink to show the overlay  
layer when the first base layer is selected.

To provide a specific example,

(1) this works: http://waage.sr.unh.edu/goo/landcover.html? 

(2) this doesn't: http://waage.sr.unh.edu/goo/landcover.html? 

Or at least it doesn't work the way I would like, i.e. show the  
overlay. Maybe I am specifying the layers incorrectly?

     var bluemarble_wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "Blue Marble",
		{layers: 'satellite', isBaseLayer: "true"});

Thanks very much,
Rob Braswell

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