[OpenLayers-Users] Problem with markers performence

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Tue Jan 9 20:43:30 EST 2007

On Wed, Jan 10, 2007 at 01:44:01AM +0100, Robert Buzink wrote:
> hi there,
> I might be missing the point totally, but if the problem is indeed the
> alpha-channel png images of the markers, why don't you just define
> jpg-images for the markers in an openlayers cvs file. Drawback is that the
> markers have to be square, but hey, square is the next big thing :-).

This won't have the desired affect because we apply the alpha-image hack
to all images, regardless of type. (Extensions are not always a valid
way to determine file type.)

> At least you'll now whether the png's are the problem or the parsing of the
> csv-file. Which makes me wonder: is csv parsing faster then xml-parsing,
> Christopher?

Possibly. Faster is probably juast loading the data into a JSON
structure and 'eval'ing it. 

Christopher Schmidt

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