[OpenLayers-Users] MapServer Layer vs. WMS Layer

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 06:15:38 EDT 2007


First of all: I try to add two same layers from one server, first as
OpenLayer.Layer.MapServer and second as OpenLayers.Layer.WMS, but their
projection appears different:

var bnmapserv = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.Untiled(
                    "TopoHelp ČR (MapServer)", 
                    "http://www.bnhelp.cz/cgi-bin/crtopo", {layers:
'doprava kraje',transparent:true, map_imagetype:"gif",srs:"epsg:4326"},
                    {buffer: 1, gutter: 0,isBaseLayer: false, opacity:

var bntopo = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
    'TopoHelp ČR (WMS)',"http://bnhelp.netart.cz/cgi-bin/crtopo", 
    {layers: 'kraje,les,sidla,voda,doprava', format:
'image/png',transparent:true }, 
    {buffer: 1,  gutter:0, visibility:false} );

Resulting example is on

How I'm supposed to set MapServer/OpenLayers so that both maps do appear
in the same way?

Second question is: how to get transparent OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer ?

Thanks a lot

Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
GPG: http://www.les-ejk.cz/pgp/jachym_cepicky-gpg.pub

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