[OpenLayers-Users] How connect the editing toolbar to a layer on the fly

Arnd Wippermann arnd.wippermann at web.de
Thu Oct 4 09:28:19 EDT 2007

Is there a way to connect the editing toolbar to a specific layer on the

Playing with the vector stuff, I have connected the editing toolbar to a
vectorlayer for creating and modifying vector data. I have tried to connect
the toolbar to a WFS or KML-layer. Works great. 

But what I want is change the connection on the fly, when I have all sorts
of vector layers in one map.

Is this possible?

By the way I'm impressed from the vector capabilities of OL and the
definition of EPSG:900913 for the Google projection makes it easy to overlay
own WMS-layers.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Arnd Wippermann

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