[OpenLayers-Users] MapServer to OpenLayers line rendition

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Sun Oct 7 22:06:51 EDT 2007

On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 09:25:27AM +0800, Aileen wrote:
> Hi Steve!


Your email would be more readable for me if you didn't use HTML email --
you should see if you can tell your mail client not to do that. (I only
say this because I had to do a fair amount of work to actually see this
email as you meant it due to the HTML stuff.)

> var myqry = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.Untiled("Map", "/cgi-bin/mapserv?", {map: '/hometo/maps/mymap.map', layer:'#qrylayer#', map_#qrylayer#_classitem:'#qryitem#', map_#qrylayer#_class_expression:'#q.code#', layers:"#onlayer#", format: 'gif', transparent:'false'});

The URl actually being passed to MapServer, which is, I believe, the one
that matters, is:

Hm, looking at what you're syaing, that doesn't make sense -- I'm
looking at the code in,60739,60740,79907&mypoint=&clickmap=&click_x=&click_y=&olfile=MOL2007-10-08-10:01:03&mzoom=&mcenter=&current_extent=&name=Quezon%20Avenue&location=Quezon%20Cityi&userid= 
and it doesn't match the layer creation you mention above: instead, it

mcmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.Untiled("Map",
  "/cgi-bin/mapserv?", {map:
  '/home/mapsfinal/maps/lonlat.map', layers:'base', layers:"",
  format: 'gif', transparent:'false', numZoomLevels:'10'});

Where am I going worng?

Christopher Schmidt

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