[OpenLayers-Users] MapServer to OpenLayers line rendition

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Oct 10 15:32:42 EDT 2007

Looking back at the original email Aileen sent there was a reference to this layer creation code:

  var myqry = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.Untiled("Map", "/cgi-bin/mapserv?", {map: '/home/to/my/map.map', layer:'#qrylayer#', map_#qrylayer#:'classitem+#qryitem#+expression+#q.code#', format: 'gif', transparent:'false'});

The interesting part to me is:


That syntax has undergone change from 4.10 to 5.0. It looks like you're changing an expression on
the fly which isn't allowed any more, but there are work arounds. As Chris says what I'd like to see
are the URLs actually being passed to MapServer. You should be able to intercept and share those.


>>> On 10/7/2007 at 9:06 PM, in message <20071008020651.GA7256 at metacarta.com>,
Christopher Schmidt <crschmidt at metacarta.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 09:25:27AM +0800, Aileen wrote:
>> Hi Steve!
> Aileen:
> Your email would be more readable for me if you didn't use HTML email --
> you should see if you can tell your mail client not to do that. (I only
> say this because I had to do a fair amount of work to actually see this
> email as you meant it due to the HTML stuff.)
>> var myqry = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.Untiled("Map", 
> "/cgi-bin/mapserv?", {map: '/hometo/maps/mymap.map', layer:'#qrylayer#', 
> map_#qrylayer#_classitem:'#qryitem#', 
> map_#qrylayer#_class_expression:'#q.code#', layers:"#onlayer#", format: 
> 'gif', transparent:'false'});
> The URl actually being passed to MapServer, which is, I believe, the one
> that matters, is:
> .map&layers=&format=gif&transparent=false&numZoomLevels=10&mode=map&map_imagetype=p
> ng&srs=EPSG%3A4326&mapext=121.011138%2014.626299%20121.045862%2014.651101&imgext
> =121.011138%2014.626299%20121.045862%2014.651101&map_size=700%20500&imgx=350&img
> y=250&imgxy=700%20500
> Hm, looking at what you're syaing, that doesn't make sense -- I'm
> looking at the code in
> ,60740,79907&mypoint=&clickmap=&click_x=&click_y=&olfile=MOL2007-10-08-10:01:03&mzoom=&
> mcenter=&current_extent=&name=Quezon%20Avenue&location=Quezon%20Cityi&userid= 
> and it doesn't match the layer creation you mention above: instead, it
> says:
> mcmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.Untiled("Map",
>   "/cgi-bin/mapserv?", {map:
>   '/home/mapsfinal/maps/lonlat.map', layers:'base', layers:"",
>   format: 'gif', transparent:'false', numZoomLevels:'10'});
> Where am I going worng?
> Regards,

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