[OpenLayers-Users] dynamic url

Lehtonen, Mika mika at digikartta.net
Tue Dec 2 03:55:16 EST 2008

this may be a more of a JavaScript question, but I'll give it a try on 
this list anyway.

I have an OpenLayers application where user can upload his/her own 
shp-file onto server (FeatureServer). Also user can "download" them back 
as an Openlayers wfs-layer. So the url in that wfs layer definition is 

    parameters = dataid + "?format=wfs&userid=" + userid + "&sposti=" + 
sposti + "&dataid=" + dataid;
    fserver = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS("Uploaded SHP", 
parameters,{},{extractAttributes: false, projection: new 
OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:2393"), styleMap: shpStyle});

dataid, userid and sposti are parameters which user have to fill in 
before uploading the shp-file. Afterwards, he/she can access the 
uploaded shp-file with those parameters through wfs. This works in 
Firefox but not in IE. How come? Any ideas?

- mika -

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