[OpenLayers-Users] {'zoomWheelEnabled':false}

Didrik Pinte lists at dipole-consulting.com
Thu Dec 18 11:44:10 EST 2008

On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 16:21 +0000, André Matos wrote:
> You could simply don't add Navigation Control... Then with the map instance
> you can get the reference for the Navigation control:
> var controls = map.getControlsByClass('OpenLayers.Control.Navigation');
> and then disable the zoom wheel:
> for(var i = 0; i<controls.length; ++i){
> 	map.removeControl(controls[i]);
> }
> Ps: This code also works if you want to add the Navigation control :D.
> Regards

Thank you guys for the very quick answer ! 

Clear explanation from Christopher and easy solution from André. That's
great ;-)

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