[OpenLayers-Users] Zoom to a region using drop down selection box

Intengu Technologies sindile.bidla at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 06:48:18 EST 2008

I live is South Africa and the geocoding service offered by Google,
Yahoo, Geonames are not comprehensive.  What I would like to do is the
following from a drop down selection box is for Province,
Municipality, Town:
1. Select a province (have lat long of province - centroid) , google
maps zooms to that province (this is similar to a State in USA)
2. The next drop down selection box only shows municipalities that
fall within that province (have lat long of municipalities -
centroids).  Then on selection of municipality zoom to that
municipality.  Municipalities (list) should show once a province has
been selected.
3. The next drop down selection box only shows towns that fall within
that municipality (have lat long of towns).  Then on selection of town
zoom to that town.  Town (list)should show once a municipality has
been selected.

Thank you in advance for your assistance I am still newbie in openlayers.

Sindile Bidla
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