[OpenLayers-Users] Catching click verses double-click

David R Robison drrobison at openroadsconsulting.com
Mon Feb 25 13:47:16 EST 2008

I am trying to catch a click event to the map. I register to receive a 
click with the following code:

this.map.events.register('click', this.map, dojo.lang.hitch(this, 

However, my click handler (processMapClick) is receiving click events 
for both single and double clicks. Is there some way to prevent this or 
at least detect which is which? The events look to be the same.

TNX David Robison


David R Robison
Open Roads Consulting, Inc.
708 S. Battlefield Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23322
phone: (757) 546-3401
e-mail: drrobison at openroadsconsulting.com
web: http://openroadsconsulting.com
blog: http://therobe.blogspot.com
book: http://www.xulonpress.com/book_detail.php?id=2579


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