[OpenLayers-Users] drawing shape gets offset when window expands

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Thu Jul 31 09:37:09 EDT 2008

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 09:23:21AM -0400, Burgholzer,Robert wrote:
> I have an ajax based application that edits the properties on objects,
> and uses an openlayers window as a means to supply KML shapes for those
> objects.  Sometimes, when editing an object, due to property value
> widths, the normal property editing div resizes when it loads data.
> When this happens, the OL window is shifted over, and then drawing
> registration is offset.  That is, the lines appear offset from the mouse
> pointer, making drawing quite challenging.
> Any ideas what might be happening here?  (Using FF2)

I'm somewhat surprised that this is happening in OL2.6, but you didn't
mention what version you're actually using... so I don't know what
you're actually using. 

Any time your map size changes, call map.updateSize(). This should clear
out the event caches, and make your mouse position/line drawing correct

Reproducing a small example where it doesn't if it doesn't work would be

Christopher Schmidt

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