[OpenLayers-Users] Overview map projection problem

Pinizsi Magdolna pinizsi.magdolna at innoteq.hu
Mon Jun 16 10:15:14 EDT 2008

Dear List!


I have got a problem about my Overview map.


My map is in EPSG:23700, the map is working fine, but the overview map just
displays the upper-right part of my full map. Strange thing is that the
rectangle in the overview map appears in the suitable place (like the
background image was the full map).


I tried every method what I can find in the list, but nothing helped.



 My code is:


  map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {maxExtent: new
ion: 'auto', units:'m', projection:'EPSG:23700',controls:[]});



var overview = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap( {  mapOptions: {
maxExtent: new
: "EPSG:23700" } });


I also tried this:


  var options = {


        units: 'm', 

        maxExtent: new




    var overview = new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap({mapOptions:


..but the result was the same.


Can anyone help?






p.s: Here is a sample image about my problem : ftp://itqrt.dyndns.org  user,
pass: guest


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