[OpenLayers-Users] Need to set modifyFeature mode after feature select

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Tue Mar 11 11:23:34 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I have features (polygons) that have an ftype attribute that can be 
'irregular|circle|rectangle' and I need to setup handlers or the modify 
mode based on allowable constraints for each ftype.

So for example:

if (feature.attributes.ftype == 'irregular')
   this.mode = OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.RESHAPE;
   this.mode = OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.RESIZE |
               OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.ROTATE |

And if looks like it is already too late to do this when


is called. It looks like this needs to be done in


which is passed to the event handlers but I can not overload this 
because it is passed to the event handler in ModifyFeature.initialize.

Can anyone confirm that his is indeed the current flow?
Did I miss another way to hook into this or overload some other function?

In general I think it would be good to be able to modify the mode while 
ModifyFeature is running or based on the feature (or its attributes) 
that is being modified.

For example, bind a mode like rotate to the control key, then if the 
ctrol key is held down while modification is in progress the 
ModifyFeature would switch from its current mode to ROTATE only and when 
the key is released it would go back to the previous mode it was in.

This would allow for more fine grained control over feature modifications.

I also think that part of what I'm trying to do could be abstracted to 
be something like rule based modification. For example, a rule for 
modifying an object that is tagged as a square vs. rectangle vs. circle 
vs. irregular, etc. This could be done by handlers that enforce the 
conditions or a clever definition of rules whatever that might be.

ok, better stop here, too many ideas from too many cups of coffee :)

   -Steve W

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