[OpenLayers-Users] Make the base layer empty or blank

Gregor Mosheh gregor at hostgis.com
Tue May 6 20:29:51 EDT 2008

My approach is to specify an invalid WMS layer.

    var blank = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS('Blank',
       "/cgi-bin/mapserv", {layers:'blank', format:'image/png'},
       {isBaseLayer:true, displayOutsideMaxExtent:true }
    // now add nothing but overlays

This does generate the pink boxes, but I always suppress those anyway.

OpenLayers.Util.onImageLoadError = function() { };

Gregor Mosheh / Greg Allensworth, BS, A+
System Administrator
HostGIS cartographic development & hosting services

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  only if you can restore." - AMANDA

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