[OpenLayers-Users] Mouseover should show attributes from a database

Rahn Hanno (rahn) rahn at zhaw.ch
Tue Nov 4 01:54:45 EST 2008

Hello list,


thank you for the lot of answers, I will try to solve my problem. I use a WMS for displying my data. The problem ist that I must have a dynamic style, because I show timelines from different geographic indikators. The map will be green in 1990 and red in the year 2000 for example. I realise it with a php file which generates a SLD and the SLD parameter.

After this I will show the name of the district like the coordinates using the mouseover.


I hope you could understand it a little bit better what I try to realise now. For your help I will tahnk you a lot.



Hanno Rahn




Hanno Rahn, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Geoinformatik

ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen 

Fachstelle Geoinformatik 

Grüental, Postfach CH-8820 Wädenswil 

Tel +41 (0)58 934 5592

Fax +41 (0)58 934 5580 

hanno.rahn at zhaw.ch 




Von: arnd.wippermann at web.de [mailto:arnd.wippermann at web.de] 
Gesendet: Montag, 3. November 2008 18:31
An: Rahn Hanno (rahn)
Cc: users at openlayers.org
Betreff: AW: [OpenLayers-Users] Mouseover should show attributes from a database


for non feature layers, ie WMS layers, there is an OpenLayers example



Arnd Wippermann



Von: users-bounces at openlayers.org [mailto:users-bounces at openlayers.org] Im Auftrag von Rahn Hanno (rahn)
Gesendet: Montag, 3. November 2008 10:22
An: users at openlayers.org
Betreff: [OpenLayers-Users] Mouseover should show attributes from a database

Hello list,


I have a problem and perhaps somebody can help me. I want to realise a mouseover event like it is used in many of the examples. If you move the mouse over the map the coordinates will be shown inside. 


Now, I will use this, but instead of the coordinates I will show some attributes from a database. My map shows different districts. If I move the mouse over one district, the name of this should be shown. The name ist inside a database table. 

I dont know if it is possible and I dont have an idea how I can realise it. Perhaps somebody have already realise something about this and can help me a little bit.


A lot of thanks for all your fantastic help. 



Hanno Rahn




Hanno Rahn, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Geoinformatik

ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen 

Fachstelle Geoinformatik 

Grüental, Postfach CH-8820 Wädenswil 

Tel +41 (0)58 934 5592

Fax +41 (0)58 934 5580 

hanno.rahn at zhaw.ch 



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