[OpenLayers-Users] Question on changing Popups on Textlayer

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Tue Nov 18 17:30:08 EST 2008

> > So I understand that the title column can be named something else like
> > name ? 
> I'm not sure I understand your question. Is your question "Can the
> OpenLayers code be changed to support this?" If so, the answer is, in my
> opinion, "no": this format only exists for historical reasons, and any
> new development should be done with more sane formats.

No.  All I'm saying is that what I thought was a tab separated textfile
with hard names (see
seemed not to be hard names looking at the sundials code.  I
copied/pasted the sundials code in which there was a
feature.attributes.name not realizing the name attribute was in the kml
file and not in the tab separated textfile.  I can confirm now that one
cannot put "name" instead of "title" in a textfile for layer.text
comsumption and try calling feature.attributes.name.  So the names in
the header of the textfile indeed seem to be hard. 
> > Could "lat" be renamed "latitude" then ?  Point is : that is a
> > departure from layer.text, albeit a minor one I admit.  
> Again, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. 

See above.  Misunderstanding mine.

> > More important a
> > departure IMO is that now one has to have values for iconSize and
> > iconOffset.  With a layer.text, those were optional.
> Fair enough. I'm willing to cnosider that a bug: Please feel free to
> file a ticket folowing the instructions in
> http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/FilingTickets 


Thank you.

And by the way for things like short lists of projects that one wants to
throw on a website and where there's no data sharing involved really and
where update rate is around 4 X 10^^-07 Hz (e.g. about once a
month ;-) ), why do you discourage so much the use of Layer.Text types
of layers ?  I don't know about others, but using a textfile is so much
easier to use for such small tasks ??  



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