[OpenLayers-Users] WFS complex feature types

Tim Schaub tschaub at opengeo.org
Fri Oct 10 20:51:14 EDT 2008


Bas Couwenberg wrote:
> Hello,
> my WFS server supplies feature types which consist out of complex types. 
> Now I want to use the extractAttributes for these complex types too but 
> it seems they only accept simple types. Is there a way that a feature on 
> a WFS layer keeps this complex type information so I can use it for 
> showing info in a popup?

I was shooting for the Simple Features Profile in writing the GML v3 parser.

Can you give some more detail?  I'm curious to hear a use case for 
complex features.

Also, if you provide a (short) bit of your gml, I'd be interested in 
seeing what it would take to get the parser to support it.  Since we 
have a very simple model for features in OpenLayers, the most likely 
solution is for you to extend the parser with some custom 
readers/writers (which is very reasonable to do).


> Best regards,
> Bas Couwenberg
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Tim Schaub
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